Did you know that according to statistics from the World Animal Foundation, there are an estimated 373 million domestic cats worldwide? If you’re reading this, it’s a fair bet you own a cat yourself.
Wait a minute…own? I stand corrected, as no one owns a cat. If anything, it goes the other way! As the saying goes ‘Dogs have owners while cats have servants’.
Having said that, any ‘servant’ to a cat will gladly admit their devotion because we simply adore them. Yes, I am a cat lover!
For us humans, cats vs dogs is the perfect ‘compare and contrast’ topic, like vanilla or chocolate, silver or gold, Beatles or Stones.
Warmly affectionate, while independent and mysterious they are incredibly self aware and lead a charmed life – thanks to the faithful servant!
But it goes much deeper. The understanding and caring for the ‘felis catus’ is by no means a one-way street. In fact, the bond of love between feline and human is inexplicable.
My cat ‘Isaak’ was a rescue kitten. A small, shorthaired Tabby who grew into a giant fluffy Norwegian Forest Cat! Who knew?
He is my world.
As you’d expect, I also believe in the importance of animal conservation, especially toward our big cats. While many face the threat of extinction, it is the tiger that concerns me greatly, with only 3890 left in the wild.
Imagine a future where we talk about the existence of tigers in past tense.
But we can make a difference today. I have adopted a tiger through the World Wildlife Fund (WWF). If you’d like to do the same, follow the link in this paragraph.
Let’s not forget that as humans, we are intelligent and caring enough to be the custodians to the animals with which we share this planet.
So the next time you see a cat perched on the neighbourhood fence, look closely and you’ll see the same majestic stature of any leopard, lion, cougar or tiger!
In fact, it may just be my Isaak!
For more statistical information visit the article How Many Cats Are In The World, from the World Animal Foundation, which does great work.
For more visit: worldanimalfoundation.org
Check out the trailer below to the 2016 award-winning Turkish documentary Kedi.