Being an entertainment journalist, I’m often lucky enough to visit the sets of various stage, television and movie productions.
From The Bill’s Sun Hill police station to Doctor Doctor’s Whyhope hospital and inside the Priscilla bus, it’s always a special treat to visit where all the lights, camera and action takes place.
I once even had Vegemite sandwiches with Hugh Jackman at Fox Studios, while Australia the film was being shot – another story for another time!
More recently though, I ‘did time’ at Wentworth Detention Centre, as in the successful series based on the cult and campy Prisoner.
Wentworth has become quite a phenomenal success. It’s shown in 141 territories, and some have adapted their own local versions. It has a significant global fan base, and won up to 17 prestigious awards – including 7 Logies.
An admirer of Wentworth myself, I very much looked forward to my on-set visit, which actually became somewhat surreal.
Arriving early, I waited outside when a car suddenly pulled up to the high compound fence. I figured it was my publicist contact, but on approaching I realised it was the Wentworth Governor herself!
“Can I help you?” she asked in that familiar voice usually addressing an inmate.
“I’m here for an interview,” I explained. “Sorry, I thought you may have been the publicist.”
“That’s okay, I can let you in,” she says while punching in the security code.
“Sorry I know you’re Vera on the show, but I forgot your actual name!”
“Kate,” she says with a welcoming smile.
Having made my way into the building, the publicist and others were clearly bemused to hear how Governor Vera Bennett had let me into Wentworth!
It was at this point that both Celia Ireland and Tammy MacIntosh (inmates Liz Birdsworth and Kaz Proctor) appeared in the corridor. Tammy, who gave me a welcoming handshake, told me in all sincerity how incredibly soft my hands were. Must be from applying all that daily face moisturiser!

In the corridors of Wentworth with Celia Ireland and Tammy MacIntosh (inmates Liz Birdsworth and Kaz Proctor)
As the publicist toured me around the set, I got a taste of life behind bars for the Wentworth ladies, including a trip to the laundry, visiting area and cafeteria – where the food is quite real!

Patiently awaiting in the Wentworth visiting room – and a little unnerved from the body cavity search!
Onto the Governor’s Office I went, for the purpose of my visit – an interview with Robbie Magasiva aka Dept Governor Will Jackson.
When Robbie and I met, we formed an instant rapport, discussing everything from Barbra Streisand and gay weddings, to dressing in drag!

I’m sure every new Wentworth inmate smiles like this…at first
At one point during the interview ‘Governor’ Kate came to the window giving Robbie a good ‘that’s MY office’ finger shake. Apparently an ongoing joke in a close-knit acting ensemble!
I was also a little concerned that I had moved a desk paperweight to make room for my folder – script continuity and all that! Sitting on the other side of the desk, Robbie assured me it was fine, but for a moment he suddenly leaned forward with a serious look which sent me into the surreal world of Wentworth prison. For a moment he became Will Jackson and I the nervous new inmate – mind you it couldn’t have been further from the truth.
I’d have to say Robbie is one of the nicest human beings I’ve ever met. A true Samoan gentle giant.

New prison warder? Don’t trust that smile!
Overall, the great thing about seeing Robbie, Kate and others in their workplace, is that the dynamics and camaraderie is the same as anywhere else, be it a school, post office, construction site or – prison!
In fact, along with its great writing, casting, acting and production design, I can honestly say the chemistry within this cast is the final ingredient to create the show’s overall award-winning success.
No wonder every Aussie actor wants to be involved, or rather incarcerated, into Wentworth!

Previously to visiting the set, I interviewed the delightful Bernard Curry (Officer Jake Stewart)

…and caught up with the gorgeous Katrina Milosevic (Sue ‘Boomer’ Jenkins)
Read my interview with Robbie Magasiva here
Read my interview with Bernard Curry here
Watch the Season 7 Wentworth trailer below