Tony Armstrong has played in three AFL football teams and is now a sports presenter on the ABC. He’s also an indigenous role model and supporter for LGBTIQ rights.
Your AFL career has included playing for the Adelaide Crows, Sydney Swans and Collingwood Magpies, and now you’re the first Indigenous play-by-play caller on commercial radio. That’s quite a success!
It was a great honour to play AFL at that highest level. You always dream of something like that, and for it to become a reality was fantastic. But you do get to that AFL level and realise how much harder it actually is than first thought! You learn a lot about resilience, failure and that kind of stuff off the back of playing, and I have a lot of people to thank for helping me along the way.
And then came the broadcasting gig …
My transition from playing to broadcasting was a funny one, because it wasn’t something I set out to do. One day I was asked to provide some special comments for the National Indigenous Radio Service, and I seemed to have a bit of a knack for it. Then Triple M radio gave me the opportunity for commentating last year, which lead to where I am now at ABC Sports.
And you wanted to be in this field, even as a kid?
I wanted to be a journalist and write stories, but not really as a broadcaster. However when I started this, I fell in love with it. It’s fun and there’s a real thrill of going live to air. This year was different because we didn’t have the stadium crowds due to Covid, but it’s fantastic work.
“I’ve witnessed homophobia and racism, not so much overtly, but more from people making little jokes.”
What do you say to those who have similar aspirations, not just young but at any age?
It’s never too late, but like with anything you have to get a foot in the door and work really hard. Lean on any contact you might have to get an opportunity and practice, practice, practice. Do anything that’s involved in the job as well, even the worst parts or small bit parts, because it all helps. And always try to become better at it, as you go along.
You’ve grown up with your heroes, understandably many indigenous ones such as footballer Adam Goodes. Are you aware that you’re now a role model yourself?
I’m very careful about calling myself a role model. To be honest it doesn’t sit too comfortably with me, even though I know it could be the case. The important thing for me is to set a really good example, and to open doors by creating opportunities wherever I can for others. From my perspective it’s about doing the best job I can for myself, which will then inspire others.

ABC TV Sports Presenter Tony Armstrong
You’ve spoken about your experience with racism, especially at school where you put up with hurtful jokes from your own mates. Many gay men relate to that, as we often had to roll with the punches. Do you see that parallel?
I think all minorities, be it someone who’s gay, black or with a disability … anybody who is on the outside, especially when young, always wants to be part of the majority. So the last thing you want to do, is rock the boat. But quite often what you’re actually doing is giving people permission to say those things. So I absolutely do see how you can draw the comparison.
It’s also a bit of a paradox, because as mates, they are using such ‘nick names’ as a term of endearment, like the 1950’s Aussie bloke referring to his new ‘wog friend’ – who really was his friend!
Yeah, sometimes they don’t necessarily realise that it’s being hurtful because you’ve been laughing along with them. It’s also one of those things where it takes a while to get the courage to be able to stand up for your self. But when you eventually do, it feels great and you can still keep your good friends, and those who don’t change their opinion, well, they were hardly a friend in the first place!
Did you witness homophobia in school or on the footy field?
Never on the footy field, but out and around I’ve witnessed homophobia and racism, not so much overtly and the segregation sort of thing, but more from people making little jokes. But again, like with the black jokes I got from my friends, it’s a situation where I was never ostracised or made to feel like crap. It’s a hard thing to articulate.
What did you think of Anthony Mundine’s comments over Redfern Now, where he criticized the inclusion of an indigenous gay character?
I didn’t hear his comments, but it’s really a case of just having to accept gay people. Who is anyone to tell another how they should act or feel? If it’s what people are and they feel comfortable within, then it’s certainly fine by me.
Have you ever had a mate come out to you as gay?
No, but I do have a bunch of gay friends and I’ve been out partying with them. I’ve been to the clubs in Collingwood, Melbourne and partied all night! I always have a great time with my mates.
“When I go out to a gay club, I tend to get a bit of attention, which is quite flattering.”
No doubt in those clubs you’d also get guys chatting you up?
(Laughing) Oh yes, absolutely I do. But I give a really polite ‘no’ which always feels bad. I guess like anyone else, when I go out to a gay club, I tend to get a bit of attention, which is quite flattering, but you just have to get good at giving a very polite no.
If you were gay, who would be your man crush?
Michael B Jordan (Black Panther/Creed). He’s a handsome man!
What dance song do you find irresistible?
I was actually with Patricia Karvelas (ABC presenter) earlier today, and we were listing to Spinning Around by Kylie Minogue, as we danced in her kitchen!
So your music diva is?
Kylie! She’s pretty beaut.
You rock a pretty impressive moustache. Are you ever tempted to take it to another level, like the full handlebar, Dali twists or an all out hipster beard?
(Laughing) I might get in trouble from the news channel if I rocked up with a handlebar moustache. I’ve got to keep some sort of normality, given I’ve already got the big hair and moustache.
What do you currently do to keep fit?
I run a lot. I love running. I find it cathartic and it’s also great mentally!
What quote do you live by?
“To be a Negro in this country and to be relatively conscious is to be in a rage almost all the time” by James Baldwin (American writer/activist).
Have you ever had an on-field or onset wardrobe malfunction?
Well, touch wood I’ve been really lucky that nothing has happened in the studio. I’ve had shorts rip on the footy field, but I always wore the budgie smugglers underneath!
So otherwise, is it briefs, boxers or free-balling?
I’ve tried them all, but I’m a briefs man. I guess they’re just the most comfortable.
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