As Levi Canning on Neighbours, newcomer Richie Morris has brought diversity to Ramsay Street, in more ways than one. I caught up with one of the latest newcomers on the iconic Aussie soap.
You came to Australia from Nigeria at the age of ten, and are now a cast member on an iconic Aussie show. How does that feel?
Richie Morris: Some days I still don’t believe it! In fact, it only feels real when I watch the show and see my name in the credits. But it’s also humbling, because Neighbours has such a rich Australian history, and it’s great to be part of that.
Had you previously watched the show?
When I came to Australia I really loved The Simpsons and Neighbours was always on beforehand, so I’d watch it anyway. Then, it was so weird to be cast in the show. Who expected that to happen!

Richie Morris as Levi Canning in a scene with Zima Anderson (Roxy Willis) in a scene from Neighbours
One of the great things about Neighbours is that in recent times it has embraced the diversity of other cultures, which includes you.
I’m kind of a laidback guy, but being put into a position where I’m representing another section of Australia is wonderful, and I feel privileged to carry that torch. I think it’s a step in the right direction, because it’s expanding the world of Erinsborough through different layers of culture.
Your character also has epilepsy. Have you had feedback about that?
Yes, and because it affects a lot of people, I wanted to set the tone by researching the different types of epilepsy and seizures. I wanted to show respect and give it due diligence. I do get people sending me positive messages about how I’ve represented it, and I sincerely hope I do it well.
What about playing a policeman?
I did research on the day-to-day life of a policeman and what goes into their job, like the kind of stress they face, and how they conduct themselves with civilians. Even the way they carry themselves, like the position of hands and those little details I could build on. I didn’t want to create a caricature, but more an accurate portrayal of a policeman. It wasn’t just about putting on the vest, although that did help significantly!

Richie Morris plays Levi Canning on Neighbours
Yes, other actors from this interview have said the same. Patrick Brammall (Glitch) told us the uniform gave him ‘swagger’!
(Laughing) I chuck the uniform on, and my inner kid comes out! There’s no choice but to jump into that imaginary world. Just the vest alone is empowering. It gives an energy, and it’s almost like I don’t have to play a cop, I just become one! I’ll even walk with a little bounce in my step.
How do you find working with you co-stars?
I adore all of them, especially during this whole COVID period, where we were split over different locations together. I really got close with Colette Mann (Sheila Canning) and Chris Milligan (Kyle Canning). They really helped me navigate the world of Neighbours, which coming from a theatre background, was very new to me.
Neighbours storylines have also included the Mardi Gras. Have you ever been?
No, but Mardi Gras is definitely on my bucket list, and I’d love to go with the cast this year, depending of course on the COVID situation. The last Mardi Gras that Neighbours did looked amazing and Ben Hall (Ned Willis) looked brilliant in drag. I don’t know how he pulled off that glitter beard!
“The last Mardi Gras Neighbours did looked amazing and Ben Hall looked brilliant in drag!”
You have to top that. We want to see images of you dancing shirtless!
I’ll try my best! Maybe I can work in the police outfit!

Richie Morris in character, complete with uniform!
If you were gay, who would be your celebrity crush?
It would be a toss up between Idris Elba, particularly from Luther and Jason Momoa! Jason’s an amazing rock climber, which is something I’m also into.
Growing up, did you ever witness homophobia?
Yeah, especially during high school. There always seems to be a mini-stage where the world doesn’t know how to welcome change. There’s a very weird reaction to change, and social media hasn’t helped with cyber bulling. People seem to have this weird confidence behind their screen to say what they want about people, without realising the impact. They don’t try to understand people’s situations and scenarios. I wasn’t exposed to gay people as much as when I started in this industry. Looking back, you think what’s the fuss? Why is it even a big deal? A couple of years ago one of my friends came out on Facebook, to tell the world. It’s strange that we live in an environment where he had to hide it for so long.
What’s your go-to song on the dance floor?
Teach Me How To Dougie by Cali Swag District. It’s a classic from my childhood. It had its time, but if that song is played, I’ll still get up to Dougie!
Who’s your music diva?
It was Pink for a bit, but now I’d have to say Beyoncé. ***Flawless and Partition are peak Beyoncé for me. I just love her attitude in ***Flawless.
“Mardi Gras is definitely on my bucket list, and I’d love to go with the cast this year.”
Tell us about your martial arts
About six years ago I was playing rugby, but stopped through a shoulder injury. To build my strength back I started boxing and fell in love with it. From there the boxing transitioned into Muay Thai and I added a bit of wrestling and then went into MMA (Mixed Martial Arts). It all became a massive part of my life, and I find it very therapeutic. The more you learn about it the more your perception of strength changes.
Who’s been the biggest influence to you in the industry?
That would be Colette Mann (Sheila Canning). The first day on set, she gave me a journal and helped me navigate through the show. She plays my gran, but I actually call her Gran on set, because she really is like a gran to me. I adore and love her and feel blessed to work with her.
What’s your advice to people wanting to break into the entertainment industry?
I find it really freeing to find passions and enjoy life outside of acting. A lot of people desperately want to make it and are ready to put in the hard yards, which is great, but at the same time, this industry is all over the place and can be ruthless. You still need to enjoy life, so let acting come to you as opposed to chasing it around.
Any grooming tips?
I have curly hair, so rather than use a towel, I just let it air dry. I leave it to sit that way, and I’ve discovered it makes my curls a bit more prominent!
Have you ever had an onset wardrobe malfunction?
I once rocked up to set in my cop outfit with my fly undone. That was about me being forgetful, rather than a malfunction (laughing). I think it was Bonnie Anderson (Bea Nilsson) who pointed it out to me. I was in too much of a rush to get changed in between scenes! Checking the vest, buckling things up and putting on those big-arse boots … I wasn’t focused on the zipper!
Maybe that’s why there’s so many coppers walking around with their flies undone!
(Laughing) That would make sense!
On that note, are you briefs, fitted boxers or freeballing?
Briefs or freeballing, but it depends if I’m wearing trackies or jeans. I mean it’s risky business to freeball with jeans! I don’t know who does that? It’s nuts!
(Laughing) Oh my god! I just realised what I said!
Well you’d certainly need your briefs when you’re a copper – with his fly undone!
Oh, after that incident I always make sure I’m wearing undies!
Neighbours screens 6.30pm weeknights on 10 Peach and on