Todd Lasance has landed the coolest gig on TV, heading up NCIS Sydney! And as I discovered, he’s also one awesome Straight Mate!
Tell us about your character Sergeant Jim “JD” Dempsey.
Todd Lasance: Jim heads up the Australian Federal Police (AFP) division with NCIS. He’s a bit of a larrikin and for anyone who knows the original, he’s a mix of Gibbs (Mark Harmon) and DiNozzo (Michael Weatherly). He’s the go-to alpha man who gets the job done but also brings an element of Australian comedy, especially with the dynamic between him and NCIS Special Agent Mackey (Olivia Swann).
How do you feel about being in the first NCIS international series?
It’s exciting, but you do feel the pressure of stepping into such a massive franchise. You want to be successful on that level. On the other hand, it drives you to bring you’re A-game! It’s a double-edged sword but I get inspired by it all. When I’m on set I switch off a lot of those elements so I can focus. We work massive hours which is exhausting, but I like putting my entire soul into the character. I never want to look back and think, “I wish I’d put more into that moment”.

Todd Lasance as AFP Liaison Officer Sergeant Jim ‘JD’ Dempsey in NCIS: Sydney PHOTO CREDIT: Daniel Asher Smith
You’ve played many diverse roles including policeman, lawyer, bikie, superhero, soldier, vampire and even Julius Caesar on Spartacus – which is a favourite for the gay community.
Oh yes, absolutely! There’s a lot of no-holds-barred nudity, battle, sweat and blood on Spartacus. It covers a huge audience!
Have you ever played a gay role?
Not yet and I’ve pretty much covered all those other boxes, so it’s one to come at some point. Interestingly when I did my Spartacus research on the Roman era, I discovered a lot of the soldiers promoted relationships between each other because it created comradery and brotherhood amongst the ranks.
“Gay guys know how to party, like no one else on this planet!”
Apparently, Spartacus is coming back.
Yes, they’ve been developing it and … look I’m just saying that Caesar, Crassus and Pompey were the only men left standing, so if it does come up again, I’d love to step back in!
Do you have a gay family member or mate you hang out with?
My best mate Kain is gay. His housemate is Willam from Drag Race, and he made the documentary Access All Areas: The AAA Girls Tour, where he followed Willam, Courtney Act and Alaska on tour in the US – and he won an award! Also, Josh, my childhood bestie since pre-school is gay.

Olivia Swann as NCIS Special Agent Captain Michelle Mackey and Todd Lasance as AFP Liaison Officer Sergeant Jim ‘JD’ Dempsey PHOTO CREDIT: Daniel Asher Smith
Have you had any wild nights out with them?
One hundred per cent I have, and you guys know how to party like no one else on this planet! We lived in West Hollywood for about seven years and hit plenty of those clubs. And the drag world? I’ve never laughed so hard as when I’ve been to a drag show. They’re just on another level and I love them. I love that whole community!
Has anyone ever come out to you?
Yes, Josh did. I remember it distinctly as I was sitting with my brother Chad in our house in Newcastle when he told us. We gave him a massive hug and it was a beautiful and emotional moment. We had an inkling and the fifteen posters of The Spice Girls on his walls was certainly a giveaway! But what was so beautiful for me, was seeing that weight come off his shoulders. It was interesting to experience his hesitation and fear of telling people. He was my best mate and neighbour since I was born. I didn’t care that he was gay, it was knowing that by coming out, he took that weight off and it was beautiful to witness. He essentially lived at our house and my parents treated him like a third son. He’s been living in Sweden, and we keep in touch, and he’s coming back to Australia!
“Drag queens are just on another level, and I love them!”
What’s your irresistible burn-the-floor song?
Pony by Ginuwine, from the Nineties. It’s a good dance floor filler. I think I danced to that with my wife at our wedding and the shirt might have come off as well!
How about music diva?
I must shout out to my country roots and say, Shania Twain. She’s got some absolute banger songs. Rhianna and Beyonce too, but if I had to narrow it down it’d be Britney. “Hit me baby one more time!” I’m a music mood person and shift around with anything from rap to country.

Todd Lasance as AFP Liaison Officer Sergeant Jim ‘JD’ Dempsey PHOTO CREDIT: Daniel Asher Smith
Who would you turn gay for?
It’s a bit of a cliché, but Brad Pitt. He’s an incredible actor. When you look back at films like Se7en and Fight Club his performance is brilliant. He’s still got it too! I mean those recent shots of him at the Wimbledon tennis! I said to my wife, “What’s he doing? What’s he drinking?” (Laughs) He’s killing it! My other man crush/acting crush is Leo DiCaprio. I’ve been on that train since The Basketball Diaries.
Who’s your inspiration in the industry?
Leonardo DiCaprio’s diversity of character is phenomenal. There’s not a single moment in one of his films where I’ve thought, “I don’t believe that moment”. To me, he’s flawless. Timothee Chalamet also has that gift, as do Morgan Freeman and Denzel Washington. But I grew up watching Heath Ledger, who was only a few years older than me. I know the script of Ten Things I Hate About You word for word! Heath carried himself so well and was grounded and there was no ego. I don’t think we’ve ever really gotten over his loss. Then there’s Matt Damon. The two films that inspired me to become an actor are Good Will Hunting and Saving Private Ryan! I’ve met him and he’s one of the most passionate and lovely people in this industry.

Olivia Swann as NCIS Special Agent Captain Michelle Mackey and Todd Lasance as AFP Liaison Officer Sergeant Jim ‘JD’ Dempsey PHOTO CREDIT: Daniel Asher Smith
“Coming out took a weight off his shoulders, and it was beautiful to witness.”
What’s been the biggest pinch-yourself moment in your career?
You have different levels of qualifying pinch-yourself moments. NCIS Sydney is such a moment because of the scale of the show and having the lead on a US series franchise, especially shooting in Australia – that’s the dream! I don’t get starstruck, but when I met Matt Damon, it was trippy. It was a barbeque at his place, and he talked about writing Good Will Hunting and the process! It was nice to hear how passionate and invested he is. There’s a lot of ego in the industry and some people are in it for the wrong reason, but he personifies the right reason.
Has there been any other stand-out meetings?
One day I was on the red carpet and Keith Urban turned around to shake my hand. That was amazing as I’m a big country music fan. Maybe he’s a secret Home and Away fan?
Or Spartacus!
Yes, he could be a closet Spartacus viewer!

Todd Lasance as Caesar in Spartacus
Do you have a favourite quote?
My wife introduced me to a great one – “five seconds of courage”. It’s that moment before you make a decision. It can be as simple as going to the gym, but it’s also about making those big decisions that scare you. Anything with a level of fear to it is usually where you’ll make the biggest breakthroughs, emotionally, spiritually or psychologically. And that’s in both career and life. It makes you realise that the reason for hesitation is fear, but fear is just a construct of the mind. I also love the quote, “What is on the other side of fear?” When we break it down, what’s going to happen if you do make this decision? Ninety-nine per cent of the time it’s nothing. It’s a fear of rejection, failure or lack of belief in yourself.
“If Spartacus comes up again, I’d love to step back in!”
Do you have a grooming tip?
My easy go-to is hair powder. Any time a makeup artist asks if I have a request, it’s the hair powder! It’s in a shaker and it textures your hair – thicker, fuller and not greasy. There’s no need for gels, mattes or clays. Shake it, shape it and walk out. It’s a game-changer!

William McInnes, Sean Sagar, Tuuli Narkle, Todd Lasance, Olivia Swann and Mavournee Hazel PHOTO CREDIT: Daniel Asher Smith
What’s been your most memorable on-set wardrobe malfunction?
Not so much a malfunction but going back to Spartacus, with what we call the cock sock! It’s not exactly a private moment when you step on set naked with a hundred people present. You walk in, arse out with a strapped-on cock sock holding your junk in! It’s as revealing as you can get! And they’re not the sexiest-looking thing either. That was a regular occurrence with those nudity scenes on Spartacus. I find it funny when a refined individual will come up to me and say, “Oh, I love Spartacus” and the first thing that comes to mind is, “You’ve seen my arse!”
At the beach are you Boardies or Speedos?
Boardies. I grew up in Newcastle, so I had all that surf culture. I don’t think I have the legs for Speedos. Do I? Maybe I do! But it takes a whole level of confidence for that. You have to be able to pull them off.
Pull them off?
(Laughing) Yeah, exactly.
Are you a briefs man, fitted boxers or a free baller?
Free baller at night in bed, I’m a hot sleeper! Otherwise fitted boxers all day.
NCIS: Sydney is streaming on Paramount Plus
Follow Todd on Instagram @toddjlasance