At twenty-three Skye Boyland graced DNA’s cover. Now he’s forty, winning fitness comps and looking, ahem…hot as ever! Main image by Ross Brownsdon
You appeared on our cover way back in 2008, and you still look awesome. What’s the secret?
A good lifestyle! It’s about having the fundamentals in place so you can still enjoy yourself! I don’t miss out on any of the fun stuff everyone else enjoys, but I stay true to the fundamentals which are training, eating well and making sure I get enough sleep.
How did that original DNA shoot come about?
At the time, I was pursuing bodybuilding and had little interest in modelling, but a friend of a friend knew Andrew the editor and teed it up. I thought, “Why not? Let’s do it!” It turned out to be a fantastic experience and only positive things came from it. I met lots of people and it gave me credibility for my business as a personal trainer.
“Sometimes when a person recognised me from the cover the leading question would be, “Are you gay?”.”
What was the response to being on the cover?
It was overwhelmingly positive. I’ve certainly never had hang-ups about doing anything like that. I’m secure in who I am, and I never expected to hear anything negative. I guess some people thought it strange that I was on the cover because I’m not gay. But I’m a person, so why wouldn’t I do it?

Sky Boyland poolside
Did it lead to some people assuming you were gay?
Not with my friends and family because they knew me, but maybe for some who didn’t. Sometimes when a person recognised me the leading question would be, “Are you gay?”. I’d think, “Did you read the article?” They were funny moments, but they didn’t bother me.
Okay, so if you were gay, who would be your celebrity man crush?
Jeez, it’s hard to choose just one! (Laughing) I’d say Matthew McConaughey because he’s such a charmer. He’s a cool dude and he’s very fit. He also became very philosophical and esoteric in his later years. I’ve read his book Greenlights which was great.
Do you have gay mates?
I’ve got heaps of gay friends. The majority of my male Personal Training clients are gay. I’ve trained some for many years and developed close friendships. For that question, I needed to pause and think because I sometimes forget who’s gay!
“One of the guys joked that we should go to a gay bar, and I said, “Let’s do it!””
Have any guys developed a crush on you?
Maybe, but I think the way I conduct myself in my business is such that there’s a line never crossed. No one’s ever crossed it. I think it’s evident that I’m professional doing my job.

Skye runs his personal training business Skyetrain
Have you been out clubbing at a gay bar?
Many years ago, I was out with two close mates and we’d all just gone through rough breakups. We’d ordered a round of drinks and suddenly noticed one of our exes working at the bar! Not long after, we saw another of the exes amongst a group of girls. We couldn’t believe what we’d walked into! We found another bar, and believe it or not, I saw my ex in there! One of the guys joked that we should go to a gay bar, and I said, “Let’s do it!” So, we did, and we had the best time! The gay community took us in that night and listened to our sob stories. They cheered us up!
What’s your burn-the-floor song?
Let Me Show You by K-Klass always gets me moving. I’m a sucker for that rave piano, and there’s such conviction behind those vocals. It’s a massive Nineties euphoric vibe that cannot be ignored! I also love Eighties music and Richard Marx will get me going too. He’s still putting stuff out!
“The majority of my male personal training clients are gay.”
Who’s your music diva?
To my ears, Whitney Houston’s voice is completely unmatched. There are many examples to support her GOAT status, such as the crescendos on “Didn’t We Almost Have It All”, and those high notes on “I Will Always Love You”. In more recent years Christine and the Queens has been a mainstay in my playlists. I discovered them through a DJ set by Jody Wisternoff back in 2018. It featured The Walker which I instantly fell in love with. I can’t get enough of those crisp infectious vocals and synth-heavy productions. I don’t speak a word of French but somehow those French lyrics speak to me!
What have you been doing since that DNA shoot?
I’ve been focused on my Personal Training business Skyetrain. I run my PT from a couple of Anytime Fitness gyms and I’m about to hire some staff for 2024. I’m also setting up a training app that my clients can use with some off-the-shelf programs and looking for a limited number to take part in an eight-week trial training program. I’m expecting a big year!

Skye with partner Nittaya
And your PT has a big focus on nutrition?
Yes, nutrition science is a big one that I wanted to understand myself. It was like the last piece of the puzzle. Over the last few years, I’ve been able to refine a lot of the mistakes I was making back in 2008 and my clients are now benefiting from that.
You’re well-known as a Natural Bodybuilder champion. Why did you choose to follow that road, compared to so many who use steroids?
I’m playing the long game. I’m not trying to get into the best possible shape just for one day a few months from now. I want to be fit and healthy my entire life. Having been around gyms and bodybuilding for a long time, I’m more aware now than I was back then. You can certainly look better for a short amount of time, but in the long term, I’ll win every time by keeping it natural.
And you recently turned forty!
Yes, I’d never worried about age before, but society tells me that forty is a milestone number! I wanted to do something special, so I went away with my girlfriend Nittaya to Byron Bay for a week and I started thinking about competing again. One of my clients and good friend Anthony, is the owner of Anytime Fitness. He turned sixty as I turned forty and we’d talked about both competing together on stage in the Natural Bodybuilding Australia (NBA) Men’s Physique Australian Championship. I hadn’t been that motivated, but when I returned from holiday something clicked and I went into a razor-sharp focus. I didn’t expect to do as well as I did but I won the State title and the Australian title. It’s the biggest win I’ve had in my career! Wisdom beat youth! I’m super-pumped to have a crack again this year and possibly go international.

Matt with Skye
That’s a great example of motivation and determination that could be applied to pretty much anything!
Aside from knowing your craft, the real secret is focus. You must be one hundred per cent all in on the goal. You can’t do it when you’re juggling things in your life. You need to construct your lifestyle for a period that will allow it to happen.
In the past, you’ve said “You can work hard to become the person you want to be”. Can you elaborate on that?
The most important thing is clearly defining the goal. A lot of people create goals a long way into the future that are vague and there are too many outs. It becomes easy to move the goalposts. You need to clearly define a goal, then break it into chunks and take steps every day to tick off those mini-goals. One day you’ll wake up and find you’ve achieved your goal! There are always little setbacks too, but don’t let them derail the plan. Those smaller goals send you in the right direction.
You’ve also become engaged! Congratulations!
Thank you! I proposed the very next day after the DNA photo shoot! It felt like the final day of a long period of concerted effort for both of us, so to celebrate I booked a special dinner to toast to our accomplishments. Nittaya didn’t know I had my grandmother’s ring and would propose to her on the sunset beach walk to the restaurant. Sharing that moment with her was one of the happiest experiences of my life.

Skye with his 2008 DNA cover
From your experience, what’s the hardest muscle to build?
It comes down to genetics, but I’d say for most calves are the hardest. It can be difficult for guys with small calves, no matter how hard they train. But everyone’s got a lagging body part. Understanding why helps, and again it comes back to goals. A guy who can’t get his chest to grow more than likely has dominant shoulders and there could be a biomechanical reason for that. But if he modifies his technique to activate the muscle fibres in his chest and not let his dominant anterior deltoids take over, it can help.
What’s the easiest muscle to build?
The penis can grow quickly, given the right circumstances! (Laughing) But it doesn’t actually qualify as a muscle. Seriously, human bodies are all so unique and I believe all muscles can be developed proportionately with the correct understanding and approach.
Some at the gym can get a bit carried away with their weights, which can’t be good?
Guys particularly, tend to lift too heavy. A very heavy weight requires a swing momentum to lift, so aside from the initial explosive force to get it moving, the contractile range of motion has been greatly reduced. The question is, are you here to train muscles or just to throw weights around? It pains me to see guys sacrificing their time at the gym only to exercise poorly, with no improvement.

Sky won both the State and National titles in the Natural Bodybuilding Australia (NBA) Men’s Physique Australian Championship
It’s quite a science!
Yes, training in the gym effectively is about creating optimal joint angles to contract the target muscles underload, which takes many years of conscious training to figure out on your own. You then need to work out the angles and loads for every muscle group and movement pattern, and then it needs to all fit together in a training program. One that promotes balance and proportion.
Even for straight men, the male body can be attractive. What’s your favourite body part?
I’ve always been a fan of the serratus anterior, which are the little intercoastal muscles down your side. You must be very lean to have them and they’re a sign of being in pretty good shape. You can have a big chest, biceps and legs, but if they’re not lean enough it doesn’t count. I like a lean physique with muscle!
What about the best part on a female?
A narrow waist… and smiling eyes!
What’s been your biggest wardrobe malfunction at the gym?
There have been several times when I’ve worn new compression tights without shorts and split them! (Laughing) But I had underwear on, so I didn’t worry too much. I’ve never had anything pop out at the gym, yet! I probably wouldn’t care while I’m training and just get on with it!
Do you have a grooming tip?
When I’m having a bad hair day it becomes a good hat day! (Laughing) I moisturise from head to toe every day after every shower, and I only shave once or twice a week. I think it’s better for the skin rather than overusing a razor. My fiancé has got me onto a new skin regime. Now that I’m forty I’m paying more attention to these things!

Skye Boyland, photographed by Ross Brownsdon for DNA Magazine
What about waxing?
I used to wax, but it’s a fool’s errand! Laser is the way to go. Waxing my chest and stomach would cause a bad rash and by the time it went, the hair was back! Even when I was young, as soon as I started growing body hair, I didn’t like it. I used to pluck the hairs out of my chest! Then it reached a stage where I couldn’t keep up!
What quote do you live by?
“The only thing more contagious than a good attitude is a bad one”, by David Goggins the retired American navy SEAL. So, if you carry around a bad attitude, it not only negatively impacts yourself but also those around you!
At the beach are you Speedos or boardies?
Both, but I probably feel more comfortable at the beach in Speedos. It depends on where I am and who I’m with. I’m my own harshest critic, so if I’m not in Speedos shape it’s boardies!
Briefs, fitted boxers or free-balling?
I’m a briefs man. I like to feel secure, but I do free ball in bed. I also have a wardrobe rotation where my good T-shirts eventually become my sleeping shirts.
For more, including information on Skye’s training program, visit:
Follow Skye on Instagram @skyetra1n
Follow photographer Ross on Instagram @rossbrownsdon_ph