Australia’s favourite celebrity correspondent and I’m A Celebrity Get Me Out Of Here winner Richard Reid answers some candid everyday questions …
The state of my hair is …
Sort of a shaggy, late-70s, Taylor Square street trash vibe
The state of my heart is …
Pumping harder and faster than a high schooler with his first hooker!
The state of my undies drawer is …
Overflowing! My mother once said, “I think you have an underwear fetish”. Mom!
The best accessory I ever bought was …
A pair of blue, snakeskin print cowboy boots. I thought I was pimpin’.
My best celebrity interview was …
Brad Pitt. It was like looking in the mirror at my warped perception of myself. And he smelled like musk and B.O. My head was spinning!

Richard on I’m A Celebrity Get Me Out Of Here
My worst celebrity interview was …
Stockard Channing who played Rizzo in Grease. When I asked her about the movie, she said “I’m not interested in talking about that. Move on.” Oh, girl – I have!
Winning I’m A Celebrity…Get Me Out Of Here, Australia was …
The biggest honour of my life. I still can’t believe a loud-mouthed American queen would be voted King of the Jungle by the Australian public!
The most famous person I’ve met is …
A secret! When I was a proper twink living in NYC, I was set up on a date with an extremely famous Italian designer. After dinner, I was whisked by limo to his townhouse where our passion bloomed for like 45 awkward seconds before he blew. As he ushered me to the door, he put some money in my hand and whispered, “For the taxi fare.” Speeding down 5th Avenue, I opened my hand to find $800 bucks! I mean, if my buddy told me I was a whore I would have dressed sluttier!
Back in high school, I was …
Voted ‘Most Likely to Write a Gossip Column’. They thought it was a put down, but who’s laughing now? Bitches!
If you want to make my blood boil, start talking about …
Camilla Parker Bowles, or being asked if I’m Carson Kressley. One’s a true Queen, the other isn’t. You decide which.
My autobiography would be called …
“I’m NOT Carson Kressley, Asshole!”
If I could have one superpower it would be …
The ability to make people stop falling in love with me on Grindr. It’s annoying, right?
When alone in my car I …
Trim my nostril hair when I’m stopped at traffic lights.
I’m shit scared of …
Being locked up in a puppy cage or sling. And going to prison, duh!
I feel sad when …
I see anyone being mean to cats.

Richard Reid
My best on-set stuff up was …
When I was on Today and did a story about a celeb starlet falling on her fanny. In America ‘fanny’ means butt. The producers were not amused.
My favourite all-time television character is …
Sue-Ellen on Dallas! What an iconic mess! Phoebe on ‘Friends’ is a close second.
My secret food indulgence is …
Taco Bell. It’s Mexican food for trailer trash and I can’t get enough of it.
People don’t know that I once …
Almost met Kylie at the Logies! But at the last minute, I got cock-blocked by Lisa Wilkinson. Damn her!
The song I can never get out of my head is …
Xanadu by Olivia Newton-John (whom I did meet!)
The song that makes me smile and want to dance is …
Just Like Heaven, by The Cure. I dated a sweet Southern boy in the 80’s and it was our song – aww!
My straight mates are …
Fucking funny cunts and movie, show-biz trivia freaks like me!
Follow Richard on Instagram @the_richardreid and of course, also on Grindr
Photo credit: Sunny Lens Photography Instagram @sunnylens_au