Australia’s onstage Elvis Presley, Rob Mallett answers some candid everyday questions …
The state of my hair right now is …
Thinning and greying. Playing Elvis and becoming a dad in the same year is no joke.
The state of my heart right now is …
Thankfully beating, and curious about what’s next. Touring the country with a show can leave one feeling somewhat displaced and I’m looking forward to getting grounded again.
The state of my undies drawer right now is …
Neat, rolled and in a packing cube in my suitcase because… tour life!

Rob Mallett as Elvis Presley in Elvis: A Musical Revolution
The most famous person I’ve met is …
Roger Federer once came to a show I was in, and he was every bit as lovely as you’d imagine. My wife has partied with Lady Gaga and Chris Martin so can I claim those by association?
My best on-stage stuff up was when …
I was playing Don Lockwood in Singing in the Rain. In the final pas de deux, I dislocated my shoulder while lifting my co-star over my head. We disappeared into the knee-height dry ice smoke as the show ground to a halt and I ended up in Emergency.
Back in high school, I was …
A chameleon. I played AFL, cricket, basketball, water polo, played in bands and spent many hours a week doing extracurricular performing like Irish dancing. I came from a farm but went to school in the city which meant I slipped between groups daily. I didn’t appreciate it then but now hold it as a bit of a superpower as I feel comfortable in any room, I find myself in.
The best thing about playing Elvis is …
The custom-made black leather two-piece. It’s very iconic and there’s a certain swagger the white jumpsuit gives me too. It’s a total rockstar moment.

Rob Mallett
The worst thing about playing Elvis is …
Putting on and taking off make-up every night. Honestly, what a ‘drag’.
If you want to make my blood boil, start talking about …
Corruption, multinational tax avoidance, wealth inequality, bureaucratic incompetence and government overreach.
I feel sad when …
My son is crying or sad.
The last time I laughed hysterically was …
With my son and it’s daily. I’m currently watching him learn to walk.
If I could have one superpower it would be …
To wave a wand and all my life admin be done – taxes to the washing up…or, flying!
I’m shit scared of …
Someone close to me coming into harm’s way.
My autobiography would be titled …
Bush Kid in the big smoke – combusting.
My secret food indulgence is …
Beef short rib ragu on handmade Pappardelle with mountains of Parmigiano Reggiano.
The song that makes me smile and want to dance is …
Edge of Seventeen by Stevie Nicks or Gimme! Gimme! Gimme! by Abba.
My favourite all-time movie character is …
James Bond or The Phantom. Billy Zane in the purple jumpsuit…maybe I have a thing for jumpsuits!
The song I can never get out of my head is …
Any Christmas carol. All of them. All year.
My gay mates are …
All so fresh looking. I put it down to the lack of children among them. And Botox!
Follow Rob on Instagram @robmallett
Elvis: A Musical Revolution is playing at the Athenaeum, Melbourne
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