With DNA Magazine celebrating 300 issues, the time was ripe for my own chat within the pages. In a turn of events, I give The Last Word! Photography by the brilliant DNA photographer Christian Scott.
The state of my hair right now is …
Short, sharp and ready for military duty. It’s easier to manage than an Eighties mullet.
The state of my heart right now is …
Healing. I’ve had a lot of loss over the past couple of years.

Matt Myers Photo Credit: Christian Scott
The best accessory I ever bought was …
A comb. I know it sounds boring, but a comb in the back pocket is perfect for quick hair and beard grooming. Hearing that out loud does sound very straight!
The state of my undies drawer right now is …
Fluffed, folded and filled. I can’t bring myself to throw out old briefs, even the ones with tears and holes. Having done so many Straight Mate interviews, I’ve learned I’m not alone with this. I think it’s a primal thing.
The most famous person I’ve met is …
Princess Diana. It’s true. I shook hands with her in a crowded Melbourne Street in 1983. My mum saw me on TV (I was meant to be in school). But if I’m going to name-drop, I once had lunch with Hugh Jackman on the set of Australia.
I would turn straight for …
Sydney Sweeney. I think it’s because of the Rolling Stones’ Angry video, and who doesn’t like the Rolling Stones? Wait, maybe I AM straight!
My best interview stuff up was when …
I interviewed Eric Bana, and everything went wrong from stammering on my questions to dropping my recorder. On top of that, I kept everyone (including him) waiting for me in the elevator. When I got outside feeling embarrassed, I thought I had escaped everyone turned around and bumped face-to-face into Eric. What the hell was the universe doing to me that day?
Back in high school, I was …
The nerd who loved ABBA when they were ‘uncool’ to everyone else – especially the boys who liked Kiss and AC/DC. But who’s laughing now?
The best thing about writing for DNA is …
Not knowing what’s around the corner. So many great opportunities arise, and I meet so many wonderfully interesting people. I’ve made friends for life.
The worst thing about writing for DNA is …
The time it takes to write up and edit my work. There are applications out there that transcribe for you, but I don’t trust them. I have a fear of misquoting someone!
When alone in my car I …
Fantasise about the tradies I drive past.

Matt Myers Photo Credit: Christian Scott
People don’t know that I once …
Was held up at gunpoint in a bank robbery. I was a teenager and dropped into my local branch to take out a whole twenty dollars. It was the first time I’d done so, and kind of sneaky because I didn’t tell my parents. Hmm … sprung again!
If you want to make my blood boil, start talking about …
People who drive with one arm hanging out the window! It’s not only illegal but you can get your arm ripped off by a passing truck! But it’s the carefree arrogance that really pisses me off!
The last time I laughed hysterically was …
When watching Roger the Alien on American Dad. He’s so outrageously camp, insensitive and devious but so adorable at the same time. He’s also a big Streisand fan and watches The Golden Girls – when he’s not upskirting a nun!
If I could have one superpower it would be …
To fly! As Babs said, “Why settle for just a piece of sky?”
I’m shit scared of …
Dying. Yes, how unusual. But I don’t want to die – ever!

Matt Myers Photo Credit: Christian Scott
My autobiography would be titled …
Matthew, the Man Who Lived Forever! (Maybe with Oasis playing in the audible version?)
My secret food indulgence is …
Fish and chips, with salt and vinegar, and throw in a couple of potato cakes (sorry NSW peeps, I mean scallops!)
The song that makes me smile and want to dance is …
Dance Your Pain Away by Agnetha Faltskog. The original 2013 version.
My favourite all-time TV character is …
Dorothy Zbornak. Oh, those witty comeback lines and smart-arse banter with Sophia!
The song I can never get out of my head is …
Fairytale of New York by The Pogues. It’s a great song and comes around every Christmas, but seriously, I once had it in my head for six weeks! Test it out. I dare you!
My straight mates are …
Usually tradies, so as you can imagine I really like hanging with my straight mates.
Follow Matt on Instagram @whisperceleb