Ryan Henry from The Boys In The Band answers some candid everyday questions …
The state of my hair is …
In need of a wash, although it makes styling the baby mullet my hairdresser gave me much easier.
The state of my heart is …
Rapid! It’s gearing up for what 2025 has in store, and I can hear my brain telling it to calm down. It won’t, but it’s nice that it’s trying!
The state of my undies drawer is …
Unrecognisable. I’m in the middle of moving house, and I’m lucky to find anything in the right place.

Ryan Henry plays Emory in The Boys In The Band
The most famous person I’ve met is …
Darren Criss. I was travelling around the US in 2015, which included a New York bar called Marie’s Crisis (theatre kids, you know) and spotted Darren across the room. It was a short conversation, but I took his recommendation and booked a particular Gator Tour in New Orleans. You don’t question the advice given by Darren Criss!
Back in high school, I was …
The drama kid through and through. I took it all very seriously because nothing was going to be more important than our year ten production of A Midsummer Night’s Dream. As a kid, my safe place was being on stage, and that rigour for my craft during my teens was instrumental in forming my practice today.
The best thing about being in The Boys in the Band is …
Being a part of such a momentous piece of queer theatre. It’s a privilege to be part of a production that celebrates all the excellence that being queer brings, including chosen family, community, and resilience. My character Emory flaunts their sexuality proudly, and I’m honoured to share his story.
If I could have one superpower it would be …
Witchcraft. Why have one power when you can have them all? I’d get to live out my Scarlet Witch/Elizabeth Olsen fantasy from the Marvel films (preferably without her horrific ending!)
My autobiography would be called …
Camped Up Shenanigans: A Chaotic Memoir.
I feel sad when …
My partner’s cat refuses to cuddle up with me. The consolation is that he doesn’t cuddle up to many people. But I’m never deterred from tempting him with a sweet treat.

The cast of The Boys In The Band Photo credit: James Terry
I’m shit scared of …
Spiders. Not just your classic huntsman, but any spider. I either become completely catatonic or flap around screaming. I blame the second Harry Potter film, and to this day, I still watch that one particular scene with a pillow blocking half my view.
My most embarrassing moment on stage was …
During a production of Holding the Man when a table I sat on broke in half. I was meant to ‘saunter on and lounge sexily’ on the table. Cut to me hoisting myself up and the tabletop sliding clean off its legs! There was a moment of “Well, fuck!” then I picked up the table and leant on it. Did the rest of the scene make sense? I’m not too sure. I may have blacked out!
My favourite all-time television character right now is …
Elektra Abundance from Pose. There is an absolute art to reading, and Domonique Jackson has it down to perfection.
The song that makes me smile and want to dance is …
Get Outta My Way by Miss Kylie Minogue. It forces you to get up, clear a space and strut it out.
My straight mates are …
Angels. But really, all of my friends are.
The Boys In The Band plays at Chapel off Chapel Melbourne February 27-March 9
For more: theboysintheband.com.au
Follow Ryan on Instagram @ryannhennry

Matt with Ryan Henry