There’s more to Scotland than Richard Madden, Ewan McGregor and Sean Connery. Personal trainers and vloggers Stephen Clarke and Rab Shields have developed a massive online following. Recently I interviewed the sexiest Kilted Coaches alive!
How would you describe your personal training?
Stephen: We help people who have fallen into the trap of believing health and fitness is difficult. We focus on making people smile and to laugh first, which makes the brain more susceptible to positive and long-term change.
So a positive thinking approach?
Rab: It’s a relaxed philosophy to get serious results. We believe in an all round approach that utilises effective training techniques, including the most up to date nutrition principles. They are mindset lessons aimed at keeping people fired up for goals, but doing it stress free.
How did you both meet?
Rab: It was during our paper round days, when we were about twelve years old. Stephen was going on holiday and needed his round covered so I helped him out!

Stephen Clarke. one half of The Kilted Coaches, shows the right way to wear a kilt!
You have quite a following. What is it that people like about the Kilted Coaches?
Stephen: Possibly our no-nonsense approach, and that we like to have a laugh at the same time. Fitness should be fun and we do our best to deliver it with a smile. We think that works.
What is the one best piece of advice you can offer in regard to fitness?
Rab: Focus on progression! No matter where you’re starting from, just take the first logical step forward, and then the next. As long as you make progress you’ll get there eventually.
What about grooming advice?
Stephen: Always brush your teeth! Seriously though. We feel over-grooming can become a real problem. Focus on how you conduct yourself to be healthy and happy.
Rab: Also a genuine smile and a good laugh beats any grooming you could ever do. But for us, it’s also about keeping our beards shaped well too!

Rab Shields, the other half of The Kilted Coaches also gets ‘Kilted’ up!
As this is our Sexiest Men Alive edition, what guy does it for you both?
Stephen: Chris Hemsworth! He keeps himself in awesome shape, but you just know he would be great fun to grab a pint with too.
Rab: I’d say Tom Hardy. What’s not to like about him?
How do you feel about being labeled two of the sexiest men alive?
Stephen: We’ve laughed about it a few times. But seriously, it such a great compliment.
“It didn’t actually click that I was in a pride march until I found myself walking down Princes Street, with rainbows everywhere.”
Do you ever hang out with mates at gay bars or pride marches?
Stephen: I accidentally found myself in a pride march in Edinburgh. I was out with some friends for drinks and got chatting to this guy who was super friendly. It didn’t actually click that I was in a pride march until I found myself walking down Princes Street, with rainbows everywhere.
Rab: Hmm…I’ve only been into a gay bar once.

What exactly is under the kilt? Stephen Clarke shows us!
So do the Kilted Coaches ever get hit on by men?
Stephen: Occasionally, but it’s usually in good spirits and we can have a laugh about it.
Can you enlighten us to what you wear under your kilts?
Rab: Socks and shoes!
Have you ever had a wardrobe malfunction with your kilts?
Stephen: We have had a few whilst filming our social media videos. Notoriously on a video I edited myself but missed the fact that I stepped over the camera – with everything on show!
“If we made a movie called Free Willy, it wouldn’t be about a killer whale!”
Rab: And that video went out to tens of thousands of people before we realised!
Why do people find a kilt sexy?
Rab: We’re really not sure. For us it’s just our national dress, but it certainly captures the attention of many people across the world. We’re not complaining.

Personal trainers and vloggers Stephen Clarke and Rab Shields aka The Kilted Coaches
Who are your music divas?
Rab: That’s a tough one to answer, as we’re more indie, rock and country kind of guys.
Stephen: But, Lady Gaga was fantastic in her movie A star is born, and her music is amazing too.
What is the most addictive song to get you onto the dance floor?
Stephen: Footloose by Kenny Loggins. That stemmed from a Hogmanay (New Years) party many years ago, when my brother and I had a good old drunken dance to it. I can’t hear that song now without wanting to dance.
Rab: To be honest, I don’t really have an infectious dance floor song. But I like most music and I’ll attempt to dance to anything!
In an era of Coronavirus, what do you think is the best way to stay positive?
Stephen: Whether there’s a virus going around or not, we believe in focusing attention and energy on what you do have control over, and to forget about the things you don’t.
Rab: That includes your own thoughts, feelings and actions. After all, would you rather be positive and wrong or negative and right?

Rab Shields at home in Scotland
What’s the best thing about living in Scotland?
Stephen: We love the outdoors and with Scotland being such a small country, we are spoilt with a wide range of scenery and experiences. Even we are still discovering new places to explore. Of course there is also the whisky!
What quote do you live by?
Stephen: There is no fate, but what we make for ourselves.
Rab: The happiness of your life depends upon the quality of your thoughts.
Do you ever wear Aussie budgie smugglers?
Stephen: (Laughing) No, we can’t say that we do. It’s not a good look here in Scotland!
When not wearing kilts is it briefs, boxers or freeballing?
Rab: Boxers! We don’t like feeling restricted. Let’s just say that if we made a movie called Free Willy, it wouldn’t be about a killer whale!
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There’s more to Scotland than Ewan McGregor and Sean Connery!